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Nobody knows exactly how old the Finish monsters really are or how long they’ve been striking terror into people’s hearts. Officially the Rock/Heavy Metal monsters LORDI were founded in 1992 by lead singer, songwriter, visual art designer and costume designer Mr. Lordi. The band has deep Finnish roots, originating from the city of Rovaniemi, in Lapland. In 2006 they celebrated their international breakthrough by winning the Eurovision Song Contest (“Hard Rock Hallelujah”) They are Finland’s only winners to date and they earned more points than any other artists in the history of the Eurovision Song Contest up to that time.

But is it possible that this is only a pale misperception of our poor, small, pathetic reality? Is there, however unlikely it may seem, another truer reality? What if LORDI would have already been making music since the early 70’s? And what if they have been releasing one hit single after the other since those times and now, almost 50 years later, are looking back on a full collection of songs that have been successful ever since?

This is exactly the idea that LORDI are celebrating, or maybe a more appropriate word is executing, with their newest studio album “Killection.” Killection will be released on January 31st via AFM Records/Soulfood Music. Once more Mr Lordi, the master of the masquerade, presents us with one of his ideas, absurd and genius at the same time, and comes up with a concept that has never been done before in the music industry: „Killection“ is a compilation album that simply says “what if” LORDI had been in existence since the early 70’s. It contains all their imaginary hit singles from different periods done with painstaking attention to detail using authentic studios and vintage technology. This is how they would have sounded if LORDI would have made music back then and therefore would have had the hit material to release this compilation now.

This is how Mr. Lordi himself sums it up:
„Killection“ is a fictional compilation album. It contains songs that LORDI would have written between the early 70’s through the mid-90’s. The compilation contains one „brand new“ song from 2019 as well, cause that’s somehow always typical for compilations.“

Event auf den Merkzettel


Datum / Beginn Location Ort     Stamp
2025-10-16Do 16.10.2025 00.00 Uhr Columbia Theater Berlin   Tickets ab 40,65 €

Die angegebenen Preise sind Kartenendpreise inkl. gesetzl. MwSt., inkl. Vorverkaufsgebühr, ggf. Bearbeitungsgebühr, bzw. Ticketsystemgebühr zzgl. Versandkosten.

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